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This afternoon we celebrated halloween party. Winnie the witch has invited us to dance. The fifth graders we have sung the songs of Jack Skellington "this is Halloween".
Then Winnie the witch has invited us to dance to the song Peek a Boo, number 1 in the clubs of Transilvania. Finally, as the witch is very goodgave us a bag of candy. They were awfully good. 



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Welcome back!

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to school! Here we are again ready to start this school year. Ready for the English sessions? We are pleased to introduce our new team of teachers: Lucía will be teaching the little ones, these are students in P5 and 1st grade; Maria will be with 3rd and 5th graders and Sandra will be teaching in 2nd, 4th and 6th grade. We hope you all have fun in our classes and learn a lot of English! See you all very soon!


Monkeys are wonderful animals but sometimes they can be so naughty! In this beautiful story, 10 little monkeys are jumping on the bed and they keep falling off and bumping their heads! None of them listen to mum or to the doctor, so eventually they all finished injured! Children in 2nd grade have performed this funny story in class. Soon we will upload some videos. Here's the story!  

cinderella, the final season